Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Going Green

Took the chop out last nite for a little burn. Felt good to ride that old beast again, it's been all too long since she's been in the regular line up. Was soaking up the feeling of riding something light weight and undeniably bad-ass around for a while, seeing as i'll be on the Road Couch proper for the next two weeks straight. Also, I was sick of the headache's that come with getting/keeping three motor bikes on the road and paying for maintenance and insurance and upgrades and all the other shit that burns a hole in your pocket when you've got too many bikes and too little time and money... But enough of that. Last night was a perfect chance to get on the bike and just ride, and it was the best I've felt while aboard that bike in a long, long time.

Riding the roads surrounding my new digs is quite different from the options I had at my last spot. At my old abode, it was either a burn up Woodward, or a day of terrorizing the streets of Detroit. Shredding up the city is always a blast, but a single drum brake isn't the best for emergency stopping (which you find yourself doing more times than not when riding in the dirty D) and the thought of breaking down in the hood always hung heavy in the back of my mind...

 Oh, and the potholes. Detroit has no money (hasn't since the 60's) and so the infrastructure is complete rubbish. Like worst roads in the country bad. Every pothole bottoms out the suspension, even on my other two big bikes. Now don't get me wrong here, I love riding in Detroit very much, but the point i'm getting at is, riding around my new spot is like night and day. Closer to my favorite river ride, well maintained roads, cagers who aren't all cracked out driving uninsured stolen cars, and enough cool places to stop and enjoy a beverage and not feel like you're going to get mugged. Man now i really sound like i'm hatin' on the D... but all I really mean to say here is that the new roads are a refreshing change.

Pardon the crappy cell phone shots, I left my camera at home. But who am I kidding, this web log is built on crappy cell phone shots...

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