Should go something like this:
Chicago tomorrow night, then on to Des Moines for a good old fashioned party, then loneliness in Nebraska's Mccougnty Lake, couch surf in Boulder Colorado, camp out in Dinosaur monument Colorado, see whats so strange about Salt Lake City Utah, camp out near Ely Nevada, couch surf in Reno Nevada, rip clear on thru to The Bay Area for a few days, jump down to Monterey California, boogie on down the BIG SUR! possibly stop over in SLO, find somewhere to stay in L.A. for a few nights, then BORN-FREE of course, start heading east again with a first stop in Las Vegas, Then on to the Grand Canyon! stay somewhere in Durango Colorado, next night in Denver Colorado, and then haul ass all the long vast grass lands that stretch from the edge of the rockies to my door step in Detroit.
ok go!
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